
Welcome to my story.

I have walked in two worlds my whole life: inner and outer. I have come to appreciate their complementary nature as much as they may sometimes stand in opposition. There has been a profound calling to know the deeper wisdom within myself, the people around me, and the nature of the external world. This journey may explain my diverse path, which spanned decades in holistic and traditional systems.

I have worked for over thirty years in a judicial setting as a counselor, social worker, advocate for children, and finally as a court administrator responsible for programs, policy, and maintaining public service integrity. I hold a master’s degree in counseling and have worked extensively with clients and staff to navigate the complex world of individual development and our outer systems. Through the decades, I have been honored to hold the stories of countless people who have come into the court system due to many life challenges. Although each story is deeply personal, there are universal themes of suffering and the need for relationships. My role as a public servant has affirmed the need for humility and compassion while at the same time always striving to obtain ethical and practical solutions to many complex layers. This part of my life has allowed me to move beyond the theoretical and into the practical.

On a concurrent path, I have over thirty years of exploring and understanding the rich world of archetypes that inform our human condition. I have studied Jungian psychology extensively through the Assisi Institute and became an Archetypal Pattern Analyst, and I am also part of their faculty. As a senior faculty member, I have taught images, symbols, and patterns in nature for decades. Currently, I serve as the Chair of Fairy Tale Studies, which explores the rich tapestry of archetypal stories such as fairy tales and their profound meaning when viewed through an archetypal lens. I teach Beginner, Advanced, and Master’s Courses in the area of archetypal stories. I have been honored to become an international speaker, educator, mentor, and consultant from this platform. I also serve on the Assisi Foundation Board, which has a global mission to support deeper awareness of world events through an archetypal lens. I am also an artist, so there is a strong foundation and appreciation of how the creative process comes into existence.

The confluence of working in a very traditional and logic-driven system, conjoined with a holistic depth psychology background and the arts, has allowed me a unique perspective on the dynamic dialogue between the outer world and the inner realm of the soul. The thread that holds these two worlds together is stories. Every story is profoundly personal and, simultaneously, a unifying factor that binds humanity throughout eternity.

To begin the process, contact me for a free initial consultation.